by Max Barry

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The Largest Furniture Restoration Industry in Psychotic Dictatorships

World Census analysts spend quiet weekends in the countryside in order to determine which nations have the largest Furniture Restoration industries.

As a region, Psychotic Dictatorships is ranked 6,849th in the world for Largest Furniture Restoration Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Cultist State of Blood Sacrifice and FireCorporate Police State“Glory to the Fire God!”
22.The Dictatorship of The Worst Quote in a Signature EverMoralistic Democracy“No really, I'm being serious”
23.The Dominion of DoberlandiaIron Fist Consumerists“Someone's dream is someone's else nightmare”
24.The Republic of BeleparIron Fist Consumerists“Don't let us know you need help... you'll get annexed”
25.The Dark Void empire of HellkanPsychotic Dictatorship“Victory over all!”
26.The Disputed Territories of PsychoreichIron Fist Consumerists“See title, slap face, laugh psychotically”
27.The Democratic States of CurnatinaLeft-Leaning College State“For the benefit of the world”
28.The Grand Duchy of Apropin CheIron Fist Consumerists“For God, Duke, Fatherland!”
29.The Empire of TeiporFather Knows Best State“Glory in Advancement”
30.The Loving Couple of -4rt F4nIron Fist Consumerists“Lumity”
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