by Max Barry

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The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Osiris

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
15,271.The Republic of UnietoniaDemocratic Socialists“Peace and Justice”
15,272.The Democratic Republic of Unified CoreaCapitalist Paradise“All power comes from the people.”
15,273.The Democratic Republic of Unified States of WindozulInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Fighting now, tomorrow victorious”
15,274.The Federation of UnifistDemocratic Socialists“Mission Accomplished”
15,275.The Federal Republic of UnintraLiberal Democratic Socialists“Unity! Justice! Equality!”
15,276.The Dictatorship of Union of DespotistanFather Knows Best State“Gloriosa, vincemus”
15,277.The Royal-Red Peoples Republic of Union of Socialist Republic of The IsleFather Knows Best State“A Party for the People!”
15,278.The Federation of Union of Surviving StatesLiberal Democratic Socialists“Live in one moment”
15,279.The Republic of Unitarian MatheoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
15,280.The Federal Republic of United-CountiesNew York Times Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
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