by Max Barry

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The Most Stationary in Nasicournia

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

As a region, Nasicournia is ranked 2,658th in the world for Most Stationary.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Drunken Goodness of Beer_MeistersFather Knows Best State“I drink therefore I am.”
2.The ReWAionists of BlaatchenInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ja, ich bin wieder dabei!”
3.The Republic of 0 of 0Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Yes”
4.The Republic of Undulating UngulatesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Wave your hoove”
5.The Fiefdom of KielegatCorrupt Dictatorship“Me zijn ut spoor bijster”
6.The Republic of Minor UpdateInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I'm a minor, please keep the updates PG-13”
7.The Community of BredaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Stad met karakter”
8.The Dominion of Parody and ParrotsAnarchy“Polly wants a cracker”
9.The Republic of DreddInoffensive Centrist Democracy“No motto yet”
10.The Federation of EindhovenPsychotic Dictatorship“Eindhoven de Gekste”