by Max Barry

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The Most Ignorant Citizens in Magicae Mundi

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

As a region, Magicae Mundi is ranked 13,856th in the world for Most Ignorant Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Tyrant Philosopher of Norka JusteveIron Fist Consumerists“Azure Skies over Azure Seas”
2.The Fiefdom of Princess CLVIIIMoralistic Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
3.The SCP Containment site of This Thing a Quiet Madness MadeIron Fist Consumerists“The lost forever damned to wander”
4.The Sultanate of BaqyAuthoritarian Democracy“Inshallah”
5.The Republic of Butter CookiesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Cookie”
6.The Disputed Territories of Wonezy JunobalAnarchy“Strength Through Serenity”
7.The Republic of Durrnil 16Democratic Socialists“Might Makes Right”