by Max Barry

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The Most Developed in Lazarus

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 5,417th in the world for Most Developed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Benevolent Queendom of Divine CervineDemocratic Socialists“Where the deer’s swift leap startles the wild bee”
2.The Golden Empire of KratistoliesCorrupt Dictatorship“Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters”
3.The Armed Republic of RousannasDemocratic Socialists“Groovus!”
4.The Grand Holy Imperial Empire of General MikePsychotic Dictatorship“No Britannia Hotel! That's the prostitution hotel.”
5.The Galactic Imperium Invictum of DarkiumIron Fist Socialists“Vae Victus!!”
6.The Federal Republic of AiganiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“We know it”
7.The Constitutional Monarchy of RushkavilleDemocratic Socialists“Generic Motto That Will Always Mean Nothing”
8.The Republic of Future CascadiaDemocratic Socialists“We Succeed United”
9.The Holy Kingdom of JoacoLiberal Democratic Socialists“Para servir y proteger”
10.The Kingdom of EkamatraPsychotic Dictatorship“Don't Assume Malice For What Stupidity Can Explain”
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