by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Tax Rates in Krillin

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, Krillin is ranked 4,202nd in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Socialist Republic of EjolandLiberal Democratic Socialists“By The People For The People”
2.The Republic of LightfordCivil Rights Lovefest“Ex genesis in antiquitatis ad adventum veiled”
3.The Socialist Republic of J-O-ELiberal Democratic Socialists“Justitiae. Occasio. Equalitatem.”
4.The Free Land of ScotlandSerenityScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Find Your own truths”
5.The Free People of AosiaLeft-wing Utopia“Defend Equality”
6.The Confederacy of Moose ValleyTyranny by Majority“To Each Nation its Own”
7.The Republic of Doge is a liePsychotic Dictatorship“From Many, One”
8.The Republic of GustatopolisDemocratic Socialists“The ideals of Fidel G. Oliveira live on”
9.The Allied States of UnshiftedStormLeft-wing Utopia“Scientia Est Potentia”
10.The Holy Empire of DrussianIron Fist Consumerists“Whoever plays with fire ends up getting burned”