by Max Barry

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The Most Compassionate Citizens in Karma

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Karma is ranked 3,604th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
251.The Democratic States of Republic PolosIron Fist Consumerists“Always higher, always stronger”
252.The Incorporated States of Lobotomy CorporationRight-wing Utopia“Face the Fear. Build the Future.”
253.The Community of AwMoralistic Democracy“0”
254.The Magical Magicians of SoluainCapitalist Paradise“Completely”
255.The Forgotten Civilization of Takh AvrosFather Knows Best State“All roads lead to the Ring”
256.The Republic of Middle PlatypusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“In Platypi We Trust”
257.The Holy Empire of The German unity of nigeriaPsychotic Dictatorship“Blood and iron”
258.The Dancing Plagues of LevontScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dance the plague away”
259.The Republic of Napoleon2Psychotic Dictatorship“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal”
260.The Rogue Nation of A-Spot in D-SpotCompulsory Consumerist State“Whoops my bad guys”
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