by Max Barry

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The Most Beautiful Environments in Karma

World Census researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile a definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

As a region, Karma is ranked 2,748th in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The People's Republic of BlovatlasLiberal Democratic Socialists“Where's my Grilled Cheese?”
32.The Dominion of Leviathan Mammon Ea AsteorraLeft-wing Utopia“Choose Wisdom”
33.The Pirate Archipelago Nation of KayesthaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Take the wheel for yourself”
34.The Karmic Republic of New LablerithInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If you destroy a free market, you create a black market”
35.The Dancing Plagues of LevontScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Dance the plague away”
36.The Federal Republic of Dankerian RepublicInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Spread the memes.”
37.The Most Serene Republic of Almaz AraliaLeft-Leaning College State“Evil isn't enough. So is maliciousness.”
38.The Republic of NovaIgnisLeft-wing Utopia“Duty, Unity, Destiny”
39.The Higher Empire of Workers MancuniaFather Knows Best State“audentis Fortuna iuvat”
40.The Frontier of Shadow StoneFather Knows Best State“We Will Never Disappear”
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