by Max Barry

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The Most Pacifist in Karma

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, Karma is ranked 8,724th in the world for Most Pacifist.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Camel-covered somewhere of ArcoveLeft-wing Utopia“just pretend my nation name isn't capitalized”
22.The Principality of V1400 CentauriLiberal Democratic Socialists“There is no J1407-B in V1400 Centauri”
23.The Most Serene Republic of ArchytasInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ex Fide Pacem”
24.The Democratic Republic of ScarmouLiberal Democratic Socialists“Unity and progress for all under the moon”
25.The Commonwealth of Boston HarborScandinavian Liberal Paradise“A rising tide lifts all boats”
26.The People's Republic of WistendaDemocratic Socialists“If the world could hold hands & sing, we'd feel peace.”
27.The Holy Cacophony of Pretty GirlsLeft-Leaning College State“Thanks for nothing, Moon.”
28.The Most Serene Republic of MartorCorrupt Dictatorship“Equity, Nature, Slay”
29.The Matriarchy of HirimAuthoritarian Democracy“For the Queen and for our spirits!”
30.The Republic of Mungtang-eDemocratic Socialists“Don't smoking, we love you”
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