by Max Barry

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The Highest Drug Use in Kantrias

World Census experts sampled many cakes of dubious content to determine which nations' citizens consume the most recreational drugs.

As a region, Kantrias is ranked 19,444th in the world for Highest Drug Use.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of MarxanyAnarchy“Gone with the law, in with the end!”
2.The Republic of FyoCAnarchy“Tread on those who tread against you”
3.The Dominion of Setera 45xbAnarchy“The Spirits Will Guide You, Always”
4.The Democratic Republic of MONKEY ISLAND OF GOLDCivil Rights Lovefest“Blood, sweat, and respect.”
5.The Republic of DramoraLeft-Leaning College State“A nation's wealth is freedom”
6.The Republic of Upper Lalis ArreScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
7.The Trium Regnorum of Thal DorthatDemocratic Socialists“Regnat Populus”
8.The Federal Republic of 3110Left-wing Utopia“Towards a Better Future”
9.The People's Republic of Choctaw CWFather Knows Best State“Growing with pride, hope and success”
10.The United Kingdom of Greater MoonieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ita Vero Cogito, ergo sum.”
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