by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in KAISERREICH

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, KAISERREICH is ranked 3,037th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Empire of CononFather Knows Best State“Calcium, perhapings”
32.The Empire of VarneseInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Once a empire all ways a empire”
33.The Raéga Drákoç of New DrakiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Átra vyl, I will uphold”
34.The Armed Republic of Crimetopolis BInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom, guns, medicine, and cash for all!”
35.The Empire of OderstienIron Fist Consumerists“Für den Kaiser und für das Vaterland”
36.The Commonwealth of WestralianeIron Fist Consumerists“Glaube, Freiheit, Vaterland”
37.The Kingdom of Northern Sacy MatumbjisneDemocratic Socialists“Pride and Industry”
38.The Prince Moinuddin of TrigoriDemocratic Socialists“افسوس افسوس افسوس”
39.The Jingoistic States of TsareichIron Fist Consumerists“Power stems from people and arms.”
40.The Colony of Colonial DavaoDemocratic Socialists“Yawa”
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