by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Lowest Overall Tax Burden in Hell

World Census financial experts assessed nations across a range of direct and indirect measures in order to determine which placed the lowest tax burden on their citizens.

As a region, Hell is ranked 23,784th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Slow Loud Breathers of DonkervaderPsychotic Dictatorship“All your planets are belong to us!”
2.The Pub of Cynical AlcoholicsCapitalist Paradise“So it goes.”
3.The Great Pit of The InfernumFather Knows Best State“There is no mercy in Hell.”
4.The Green Hell of Camp MennihackatorsoFree-Market Paradise“You Must Go Into the Woods”
5.The Wall of WerGodCorporate Police State“The laddie reckons himself a poet!”
6.The Satanic Paradise of RedfellLeft-Leaning College State“Paradise lost, and found”
7.The Rogue Nation of MurderosCapitalist Paradise“I WANNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
8.The Automated defenses of Faction shield bankCorporate Bordello“Shields up”
9.The Community of Collective CorporatesCapitalizt“Profit”
10.The Commonwealth of The Corporate LeagueCapitalist Paradise“Fertile Wallets Make Fertile Folk”
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