by Max Barry

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The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Grecklandia

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Kolkommunists of DarvinciaLiberal Democratic Socialists“I started meditating recently and it really helped.”
2.The Principality of GreckaniaFather Knows Best State“Leave Us Alone”
3.The Commonwealth of GreckiaTyranny by Majority“We Won't Turn You Away”
4.The Incorporated States of GrecklandCapitalist Paradise“Freedom is Right”
5.The Kingdom of GreckleaIron Fist Socialists“Our tortoises taste good”
6.The Republic of GrecklinDemocratic Socialists“Sweat, Blood, and Tears”
7.The Corporate State of GreckoniaCompulsory Consumerist State“Live or Die - Your Choice”
8.The Democratic Republic of GrecksouriaCorporate Bordello“Strong to the End”
9.The Free Land of GrexasLibertarian Police State“Freedom is Everything”
10.The Matriarchy of IkkuvvukiMother Knows Best State“Athabasca nuw mavwtoxi”