by Max Barry

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The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Fukuoka

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Fukuoka is ranked 11,587th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN18Iron Fist Consumerists“wo' toy'taHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan”
2.The LDF Genreal Account of Big gay icecreamIron Fist Consumerists“hmm big gay ice cream”
3.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top VMoralistic Democracy“!”
4.The Saddest and Weird LDF Meme of LDF Crawdad ManLeft-Leaning College State“You gotta keep em separated or they gon eat themselves”
5.The Republic of LDF Revolutionary CommandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
6.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXXVIMoralistic Democracy“!”
7.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XXVIIIMoralistic Democracy“!”
8.The Defender of The Liberals and CommiesMoralistic Democracy“Still here”
9.The Republic of Wildthyme on Top XVIMoralistic Democracy“!”
10.The Federation of LDF Navy ForcesMoralistic Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
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