by Max Barry

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The Most Politically Free in Forest

These nations allow citizens the greatest amount of freedom to select their own government.

As a region, Forest is ranked 11,717th in the world for Most Politically Free.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Commonwealth of Station 8Left-wing Utopia“We're on track”
22.The People's Republic of LuadastmaaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Tobdstõõttâd ruõnâsvuõtt, mii luõttu miõl ǩieʹssed.”
23.The Free Land of LesnialavenCivil Rights Lovefest“Es Lesnialaven Le'a Sle'ea”
24.The Protectorate of North HatchstonCivil Rights Lovefest“Defined by the many”
25.The Kingdom of PapliaLeft-wing Utopia“Rise from the ashes”
26.The Epic Rolling Hills of TeraticusLeft-wing Utopia“tempus fugit”
27.The Queendom of Hyrule and LoruleLeft-wing Utopia“Wisdom, Power, Courage”
28.The Decaying Ruins of A Once Great NationAnarchy“Abiit non Oblitus”
29.The Thoroughly Unkept Office of Bisofeyri World Assembly MissionCivil Rights Lovefest“Mind the papers!”
30.The Grand Garden Pavilions of BotanismaLeft-wing Utopia“Moving forward and moving fast”
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