by Max Barry

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The Most Politically Apathetic Citizens in Europe

These results were determined by seeing how many citizens of each nation answered a recent World Census survey on the local political situation by ticking the "Don't Give a Damn" box.

As a region, Europe is ranked 27,579th in the world for Most Politically Apathetic Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Confederacy of The Griffin RepublicMoralistic Democracy“With God's vengeance, we prosper.”
2.The Ignoring Telegrams Nation of Nova PrussiaCivil Rights Lovefest“And Shepherds We Shall Be! For Thee My Lord, For Thee!”
3.The Riocht Dleathach of Fenian ProvincesLeft-Leaning College State“Democracy When Capable”
4.The Colony of Ferranghia Advanced IndustryFather Knows Best State“Experience the AI utopia”
5.The Senate and People of HugolandCapitalizt“SPQH”
6.The Holy Imperium of OstermarchIron Fist Consumerists“Empire et mon droit”
7.The Corporate Federation of MaritzalIron Fist Consumerists“Together As One”
8.The Commonwealth of PoinaAuthoritarian Democracy“Per aspera ad astra”
9.The Holy Empire of An ClarFather Knows Best State“Worship the Banner or be destroyed!”
10.The Supremely Democratic States of HirotaLeft-Leaning College State“Numquam paenite”
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