by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Europe

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, Europe is ranked 4,239th in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Liberal Democracy of LiberepubliaCivil Rights Lovefest“We're One Big Happy Institution!”
42.The Capitalist Dystopia of Union of RossiyaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
43.The Pink Artsy Angel of BendicionAuthoritarian Democracy“Success is like getting pregnant, you get freaked a lot”
44.The Commonwealth of StromiaDemocratic Socialists“Vi Har Rätt I Varje Förorätta Sak Vi Gör”
45.The Kingdom of FolikDemocratic Socialists“Compassie Voor Iedereen”
46.The Kingdom of QuenteniaDemocratic Socialists“Limitations live only in our minds”
47.The Republic of AmexipaniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Freedom is a flaming double edged sword.”
48.The Almost There of New Kowloon BayCorrupt Dictatorship“Hurrgggghhhh”
49.The Federation of Sovietskogo SoyuzPsychotic Dictatorship“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
50.The Sovereign Commonwealth of AmsteinLeft-wing Utopia“Liberty through our unity”
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