by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Europe

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, Europe is ranked 4,233rd in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Meme template enthusiast of Outer SpartaDemocratic Socialists“Promote and Preserve”
2.The Federation of Northern Socialist StatesDemocratic Socialists“Res publica est prima et ultima.”
3.The Social Democracy of Super Happy LandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live Superly Happy!”
4.The Let's All Just Get Along of RaghallaighCivil Rights Lovefest“The more you take, the more you leave behind.”
5.The Scientific Powerhouse of Dark MatterIron Fist Consumerists“In primis urbs scholarum scientiaeque Nationstates”
6.The République of PopaholickLeft-Leaning College State“Pour la paix et l'égalité.”
7.The Vinlandic Republic of FalvaardDemocratic Socialists“A life worth living”
8.The Benevolent Church of Jim the BaptistTyranny by Majority“This church is out of this galaxy”
9.The Schlaraffenstaat of ShetlLiberal Democratic Socialists“The Top Google Hit for Schlaraffenstaat!”
10.The People's Republic of InvernessiaLeft-wing Utopia“Football... Bloody Hell!”
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