by Max Barry

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The Least Corrupt Governments in Europe

World Census agents tempted government officials with financial and other inducements to bend the rules and recorded how often their proposals were declined.

As a region, Europe is ranked 26,355th in the world for Least Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Federation of Epistimi EvimeriaLeft-wing Utopia“Epistimi, apantiste se ola”
32.The Commonwealth of British AlbanLiberal Democratic Socialists“In Freedom We Trust”
33.The Vegan Community of CappanooleLiberal Democratic Socialists“”
34.The Federal Republic of TajijstanLeft-wing Utopia“Equality through Freedom”
35.The Flowering nation of YouropeCivil Rights Lovefest“Let there be hope”
36.The Socialist Federal Republic of Terranova-SerreCivil Rights Lovefest“Aeternam Unionem!”
37.The 🌺 Gardens of Eden-burgh 🌺 of CSB SA UnionTyranny by Majority“💖 🌈 Chase Joy! Spread Love! 🌈 💖”
38.The Democratic City State of Nieuw GentScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Loyalty and Love”
39.The Empire and Commonwealth of AlameinLiberal Democratic Socialists“Fly like Swifts, fight like Falcons”
40.The Confederation of Coque Borie LethawikLeft-wing Utopia“Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno”
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