by Max Barry

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The Largest Furniture Restoration Industry in Equiterra

World Census analysts spend quiet weekends in the countryside in order to determine which nations have the largest Furniture Restoration industries.

As a region, Equiterra is ranked 11,438th in the world for Largest Furniture Restoration Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Democratic Republic of AshkalatinosInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unidos na Diversidade”
22.The United Kingdom of Lost KanataInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The lost 5 shall now rise”
23.The Kingdom of Jorasaleam-ValanciaCapitalist Paradise“Might Makes Right”
24.The Rogue Nation of Rolesian Conjoined PeopleCapitalist Paradise“Free in soul, free in rule”
25.The Federation of RcoolsvilleNew York Times Democracy“We're lowk chill”
26.The Islamic Caliphate of AzamahAuthoritarian Democracy“There is no God but Allah”
27.The Democratic Republic of CapiumLiberal Democratic Socialists“Education, Science and Logic is what all we crave for!”
28.The Federal Republic of Outer SolariaLeft-wing Utopia“Still Standing”
29.The Free Expanse of New ConwaylandCorporate Bordello“Greatness, at any cost”
30.The Empire of BranielandIron Fist Consumerists“A country where dreams come true!”