by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Tax Rates in Equilism

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, Equilism is ranked 8,112th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Five Fingered Discount of IvetniaDemocratic Socialists“No water, no life. No blue, no green. -Sylvia Earle”
2.The Matriarchy of LahmereDemocratic Socialists“there's always tomorrow”
3.The Collective of UiiopScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Amo, amas, amat Amamus, amatis, amant”
4.The Interstellar Republic of IsarisScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Alis volat propriis!”
5.The Grand Unified Federation of Perimeter DefenseLeft-Leaning College State“A good plan is nothing without good execution.”
6.The Republic of ZawikhiztanScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Rather freedom for an hour than be a slave for decades”
7.The Empire of SlithenLeft-wing Utopia“The Dominion Of The True”
8.The Valiant Union of KarkadosNew York Times Democracy“Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.”
9.The Naivetrian Protected Society of Defero EmprieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“No Income, No Greed!”
10.The Matriarchy of She CrontIron Fist Consumerists“Bow down”
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