by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Civil Rights in Equilism

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, Equilism is ranked 18,251st in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
131.The Federation of SovurisCorporate Police State“Blessed be the holy one”
132.The Drifting Corpse of Something DeadIron Fist Consumerists“Hang your image in a brand new dimension”
133.The Jingoistic States of Lactose IntolerantIron Fist Consumerists“Down with dairy.”
134.The Demonic Titan of -Tr1bute-Art-Iron Fist Consumerists“Lumity”
135.The Oppression Hounds of WolfworkCorporate Police State“Kings of Carrion”
136.The United Provinces of British Tou WegilandoristerlMoralistic Democracy“God Bless The Queen and Tou!”
137.The Freedom Jesus Complex of RepublicaniaCorporate Police State“The only thing worse than communism is democrats!”
138.The Empire of Imperialist ArstozkaCorporate Police State“Unity, discipline, and work”
139.The Dictatorship of GroniciaIron Fist Consumerists“Fight for the leader!”
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