by Max Barry

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The Largest Publishing Industry in Eientei Gensokyo

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, Eientei Gensokyo is ranked 2,471st in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of VelitarisFather Knows Best State“Non sibi sed patriae”
2.The Democracy of MelondoniaCivil Rights Lovefest“What's a Motto with you?”
3.The Valiant Ascendancy of The Commonwealth of ArcadiaLeft-wing Utopia“All's right with the world.”
4.The Sapphic State of Shui MoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Love Thy Neighbor as Thine Own Slime”
5.The Triumvirate of Order knights of AmericaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Gloria vul vittora”
6.The Federation of Union of ZhaonanDemocratic Socialists“精神一到何事か成らざらん”
7.The Most Serene Republic of UzoMiteScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Face fear, build the future.”
8.The Curiously Modern Land of Kanna KamuiMoralistic Democracy“In the dark, there will be life.”
9.The Holy Red Ronin Girl of AshizuriNew York Times Democracy“NationStates is Friendship ... Yes?... Yes”
10.The Kingdom of XemoriaDemocratic Socialists“Per unitatem, Prosperitas accendit Futurum”
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