by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Public Education in Danish Wonderland

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Danish Wonderland is ranked 6,875th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Nickyuwu 111Authoritarian Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
2.The Republic of Nickyuwu 61Father Knows Best State“Strength Through Freedom”
3.The Republic of Nickyuwu 224Authoritarian Democracy“Pride and Industry”
4.The Republic of Nickyuwu 414Psychotic Dictatorship“God, Homeland, Liberty”
5.The Republic of Nickyuwu 120Psychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
6.The Republic of Nickyuwu 298Corrupt Dictatorship“Strength Through Compliance”
7.The Republic of Nickyuwu 74Corrupt Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
8.The Republic of Nickyuwu 70Iron Fist Consumerists“God, Homeland, Liberty”
9.The Republic of Nickyuwu 96Father Knows Best State“God, Homeland, Liberty”
10.The Republic of Nickyuwu 208Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
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