by Max Barry

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The Most Conservative in Crestwood Heights

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, Crestwood Heights is ranked 4,030th in the world for Most Conservative.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Cwh179Psychotic Dictatorship“Strength Through Compliance”
2.The Republic of Cwh184Iron Fist Consumerists“Strength Through Compliance”
3.The Republic of Cwh334Psychotic Dictatorship“Never eat yellow snow”
4.The Free Land of Cwh142Psychotic Dictatorship“Live And Let Live”
5.The Republic of Philville Uncommon S4Iron Fist Consumerists“Onward”
6.The Republic of Cwh625Authoritarian Democracy“Never eat yellow snow”
7.The Republic of Cwh134Iron Fist Consumerists“This Motto Space For Sale”
8.The Republic of Cwh70Authoritarian Democracy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
9.The Republic of Cwh83Psychotic Dictatorship“From Many, One”
10.The Republic of Cwh423Psychotic Dictatorship“Never eat yellow snow”
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