by Max Barry

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The Most Income Equality in Crestwood Heights

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

As a region, Crestwood Heights is ranked 15,997th in the world for Most Income Equality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
641.The Republic of Cwh455Iron Fist Consumerists“Never eat yellow snow”
642.The Republic of Cwh458Authoritarian Democracy“Never eat yellow snow”
643.The Protectorate of Cwh568Corrupt Dictatorship“Never Eat Yellow Snow”
644.The Republic of Cwh624Democratic Socialists“Never eat yellow snow”
645.The Free Land of Cwh509Iron Fist Consumerists“Never Eat Yellow Snow”
646.The Holy Empire of Cwh530Authoritarian Democracy“Never Eat Yellow Snow”
647.The Community of Cwh148Iron Fist Consumerists“Live Free Or Die”
648.The Commonwealth of Cwh534Moralistic Democracy“Never Eat Yellow Snow”
649.The Matriarchy of Cwh547Psychotic Dictatorship“Never Eat Yellow Snow”
650.The Republic of Cwh483Iron Fist Consumerists“Never eat yellow snow”
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