by Max Barry

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The Least Corrupt Governments in Circumference

World Census agents tempted government officials with financial and other inducements to bend the rules and recorded how often their proposals were declined.

As a region, Circumference is ranked 25,541st in the world for Least Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of VenertiaDemocratic Socialists“Progress by, of, and for the People”
2.The Kingdom of BrythennicaNew York Times Democracy“Sic Dicit Dominus”
3.The Confederacy of VepoasNew York Times Democracy“Strength through steel”
4.The Kingdom of SveynlandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United We Conquer”
5.The United Commonwealths of ShinoNew York Times Democracy“E pluribus unum”
6.The Most Serene Republic of The Holy Cities of RhufanMoralistic Democracy“Sanctus nobiscum est”
7.The Republic of NowolukowiaAnarchy“Marching on an empty stomach”
8.The Socialist Republic of YouKraneanaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Trabajo, Pan, Paz!”
9.The Union of South Eureka of 5yearsNew York Times Democracy“One People One Destiny”
10.The Space between Spaces of The Tides of VulkanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be not Afraid”