by Max Barry

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The Largest Black Market in Chaos land

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Chaos land is ranked 5,240th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Ndamakong SuhMoralistic Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
22.The Free Land of LLLALALALANDPsychotic Dictatorship“Ouch”
23.The Community of NyantucketScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Thirty nyans at sea!”
24.The Empire of AnnondaleFather Knows Best State“Money”
25.The Federal Republic of MH-XCIXInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Might Makes Right”
26.The Hall of Fame Cornerback of Aeneas WilliamsMoralistic Democracy“Celebrating the NFL”
27.The Empire of Tan Ren AshiaFather Knows Best State“Mission Accomplished”
28.The Empire of UrmommMoralistic Democracy“Ur mom is here!”
29.The Empire of Psychotic DucktatorshipFather Knows Best State“Join The Order of the Grey Wardens!”
30.The Holy Empire of OppsistanPsychotic Dictatorship“God is the true god”
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