by Max Barry

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The Largest Insurance Industry in California Colleges and Universities

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, California Colleges and Universities is ranked 10,801st in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The University of Five Branches UniversityCapitalizt“Labor Omnia Vincit”
2.The University of Drew University of Medicine and ScienceCorporate Bordello“A Private University with a Public Mission”
3.The Community of Los Angeles Academy of Figurative ArtCorporate Bordello“The Skills You Learn”
4.The University of UC Los AngelesAnarchy“Fiat Lux”
5.The University of Oikos UniversityAnarchy“Learn, Apply and Grow.”
6.The College of Occidental CollegeAnarchy“Occidens Proximus Orienti”
7.The University of Palo Alto UniversityAnarchy“Engaging Minds, Improving Lives”
8.The University of World Mission UniversityCorporate Bordello“Jesus First and World Mission”
9.The Community College of Folsom Lake CollegeCapitalizt“Knowledge, Experience, Innovation”
10.The Community College of Skyline CollegeCapitalist Paradise“Students First”
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