by Max Barry

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The Largest Retail Industry in Caer Sidi

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 2,740th in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWorldShrinkwrap Consignment Productivity Index
41.The Theocracy of Yachana301,586th-9.85
42.The Republic of New Demgeramath302,790th-10
43.The Artist Families of Sanctified Ryoshu Simps311,129th-11.09
44.The Most Serene Republic of Na Fiannai Deireachai312,365th-11.31
45.The Glittery Fantasy Land of Aynia Moreaux323,539th-13.56
46.The MediTerrestrial Realms of Minas Tyrrith331,304th-15.81
47.The Free Land of Belladonnia334,488th-17.09
48.The Republic of Roundland336,567th-18.19
49.The Free Tribes of Kernox337,667th-18.87
50.The Unified Provinces of Rhanukhan344,406th-29.18