by Max Barry

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The Largest Retail Industry in Caer Sidi

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 2,614th in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWorldShrinkwrap Consignment Productivity Index
11.The Matriarchy of Lynxi20,439th9,372.98
12.The Constitutional Monarchy of Adalwulf21,924th8,818.03
13.The Hero of -Linkle-29,502nd6,872.57
14.The Land far into the Horizon of Reve-Sur-Le-Mer36,107th6,072.93
15.The Grand 1st Galactic Empire of Northern Kingdom of Galicia38,019th5,910.27
16.The Bannorn of Sanglamore58,830th4,690.84
17.The Arling of Celtigar64,334th4,440.45
18.The Protectorate of Wolvilan74,690th4,008.25
19.The Breakfast of Belgium Waffle78,003rd3,877.69
20.The Most Serene Republic of Vineyard Haven103,283rd2,930.74