by Max Barry

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The Most Conservative in Caer Sidi

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 20,329th in the world for Most Conservative.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Free Land of BelladonniaLeft-wing Utopia“Rhyddid Tragwyddol!”
42.The Noble Republic of CyanesiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Long live the high prince!”
43.The Unified Provinces of RhanukhanLeft-wing Utopia“Our hands toil that our hearts may dance.”
44.The Commonwealth of DesterCivil Rights Lovefest“Education is the key to the future.”
45.The Matriarchy of LynxiAnarchy“Socks for the sock throne”
46.The Most Serene Republic of Na Fiannai DeireachaiLeft-wing Utopia“Tá muid anseo chun gníomh a spreagadh.”
47.The Community of HalvyrCivil Rights Lovefest“Stone Shapes Us, Will Unites Us”
48.The Ship Protectorate of YoichiLeft-Leaning College State“Yoinoa!”
49.The Republic of Caer Sidi Broadcasting ServiceScandinavian Liberal Paradise“All CS no BS”
50.The Republic of RoundlandLeft-wing Utopia“By The People For The People”