by Max Barry

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The Most Scientifically Advanced in Caer Sidi

World Census researchers quantified national scientific advancement by quizzing random citizens about quantum chromodynamics, space-time curvature and stem cell rejuvenation therapies. Responses based on Star Trek were discarded.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 3,454th in the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Funni LoZ Fanproject of Stories of the Interloper WarFather Knows Best State“May Sacred Light guide our paths”
52.The Legend of Sheepy HollowMoralistic Democracy“Baa”
53.The Sun has Set on the Land of Caer Sidi FounderFather Knows Best State“cut the cord.”
54.The Republic of Night ForgeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”
55.The Romano-British Empire of Macsen WledigIron Fist Consumerists“Y Gwir Ogledd”
56.The Most Serene Republic of Na Fiannai DeireachaiLeft-wing Utopia“Tá muid anseo chun gníomh a spreagadh.”
57.The MediTerrestrial Realms of Minas TyrrithDemocratic Socialists“Not all that glitters is gold”