by Max Barry

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The Most Avoided in Caer Sidi

Nations ranked highly are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 4,839th in the world for Most Avoided.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Community of United IslascaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Death is not the end”
2.The Satyr Lottocracy of Lil La LunaAnarchy“A Lil' La Land of a Lil' La Lunacy”
3.The Technocratic Jacobin State of OrthlandiaIron Fist Consumerists“There are no gods but humanity.”
4.The Nomadic Peoples of EsurioInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Seek Into the Darkest Well”
5.The Grand Flotilla of The Bloody Bay FleetFather Knows Best State“Spend Freely, Die Happy”
6.The Protectorate of WolvilanFather Knows Best State“Twirling Toward Freedom”
7.The Oppressed Peoples of InimicitiaeNew York Times Democracy“Onwards, towards Judgement”
8.The Loving Couple of -I Ship ItInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Shipping Fan.”
9.The Matriarchy of LynxiAnarchy“Socks for the sock throne”
10.The Republic of Caer Sidi Broadcasting ServiceScandinavian Liberal Paradise“All CS no BS”