by Max Barry

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The Most Corrupt Governments in Caer Sidi

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, Caer Sidi is ranked 4,080th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Grand 1st Galactic Empire of Northern Kingdom of GaliciaCorrupt Dictatorship“A Mari ad gloriam”
2.The Community of United IslascaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Death is not the end”
3.The Technocratic Jacobin State of OrthlandiaIron Fist Consumerists“There are no gods but humanity.”
4.The Loving Couple of -I Ship ItInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Shipping Fan.”
5.The Artist Families of Sanctified Ryoshu SimpsCorrupt Dictatorship“Obligate style hearkens aflame this robust earth.”
6.The Theocracy of DIN 933Father Knows Best State“Hexagon Bolts”
7.The Legend of Sheepy HollowMoralistic Democracy“Baa”
8.The Constitutional Monarchy of AdalwulfFather Knows Best State“Knowledge and Money are Power”
9.The Oppressed Peoples of InimicitiaeNew York Times Democracy“Onwards, towards Judgement”
10.The Nomadic Peoples of EsurioInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Seek Into the Darkest Well”