by Max Barry

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The Most Compassionate Citizens in Balder

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Balder is ranked 24,724th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
16,171.The Republic of Oslasa53Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
16,172.The Colony of Fake communism16Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Fake Communism”
16,173.The Ghost of YuureioIron Fist Consumerists“Live for cat, Die for cat”
16,174.The Unitary State of OkilinCorporate Police State“The beatings will continue until morale improves”
16,175.The Republic of Molies67Psychotic Dictatorship“Peace and Justice”
16,176.The Borderlands of N37342Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“N”
16,177.The Queendom of Her Condescensions LandmassCompulsory Consumerist State“It just. Keeps. Happening.”
16,178.The Dictatorship of Uniao Da Republicas Socialistas SovieticPsychotic Dictatorship“Trabalhadores de todos os países, uni-vos!”
16,179.The Republic of ArlentonCompulsory Consumerist State“Liberty”
16,180.The Charming Manner of The Gentoo GentIron Fist Consumerists“Smile and Wave, Boys”
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