by Max Barry

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The Most Influential in Balder

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

As a region, Balder is ranked 15,535th in the world for Most Influential.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The United Directorate of Unielvan MillorviumCorrupt Dictatorship“Strength Through Compliance”
12.The Holy Rpublic of of IschaemiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Altrum partum audi.”
13.The Scandinavian Realm of LageneScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Becoming the shining future we see before us”
14.The Federation of Alezian UnionScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For Those who Believe”
15.The Kitten Loving Monarchy of Super Duper Nice PeopleDemocratic Socialists“Kittens are Sweet, and So are You!”
16.The Watch how I Soar Nation of A Leaf on the WindScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down”
17.The Owl Kingdom of FoooooooooDemocratic Socialists“Super 'O”
18.The Federal Republic of The ValasiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Valasia Strong, Valasia Forever”
19.The To bean or not to bean of Westplain and TolcorFather Knows Best State“Guarded by the Mountains.”
20.The Ginseng Strip 2002 of Baja CalivadaLeft-Leaning College State“Eureka!”
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