by Max Barry

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The Most Efficient Economies in Balder

Nations ranked highly are the most ruthlessly efficient at translating raw resources, including people, into economic output.

As a region, Balder is ranked 8,888th in the world for Most Efficient Economies.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Immortal Crossdorking of SpiderMewInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be the best, like no one ever was!”
52.The People's Syndicalist Commune of LacoviaDemocratic Socialists“Without Marxist Thought, There can be no real change!”
53.The Federative Republic of Mers HarskCapitalist Paradise“Unity, Discipline, Work”
54.The Nomadic Peoples of KriegiersienInoffensive Centrist Democracy“There are different shades of crazy.”
55.The Republic of NusantaroCapitalist Paradise“Work, Peace, Progress”
56.The Union of Northern African SaharaLeft-wing Utopia“Unity, Freedom, and Peace!”
57.The Serene Socialist Republic of Socialist Soviet ArmeniaPsychotic Dictatorship“Live and Let Die”
58.The Corporation of WilbertFather Knows Best State“Founded 2007”
59.The Sultanate of SousandCapitalist Paradise“Unity, Discipline, Work”
60.The Orbital Pleasure Palace of Pan GalaciaIron Fist Consumerists“epulati sumus in visceribus eorum”
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