by Max Barry

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The Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Aspen

World Census experts tracked millions of international tourists in order to determine the world's favourite nations to sight-see.

As a region, Aspen is ranked 10,105th in the world for Most Popular Tourist Destinations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Constitutional Monarchy of ZephyrielInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For better For worse”
32.The Federal Republic of SerpeniiNew York Times Democracy“Together, Loyal, Free”
33.The Protectorate of BrundeAuthoritarian Democracy“Its gonna be christmas”
34.The United Dependentist Entities of SpainsapienAuthoritarian Democracy“Vincere et iter Facere”
35.The Not A Puppet of Totally Not AasonLeft-Leaning College State“I’m not a Aason alt”
36.The Principality of Western PolishLiberal Democratic Socialists“United”
37.The Dominion of New Marburg and IquilanisLiberal Democratic Socialists“United we shall stay!”
38.The Confederacy of UratheimCorrupt Dictatorship“Unity, Discipline, Work”
39.The Dominion of New AlaieLiberal Democratic Socialists“New Alaiei! Wake up!”
40.The Lethinian Dominion of BrunswaldInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Might Makes Right”
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