by Max Barry

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The Most Cultured in Arctica

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, Arctica is ranked 1,578th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Union of the Kingdoms of OdonLiberal Democratic Socialists“From the Beaches to the Mountains, Our Country Sparkens”
2.The United Federation of GraviaDemocratic Socialists“Respect tradition, embrace change”
3.The Holy Hm Kingdom of HraindamalandiaDemocratic Socialists“Pay your fees or loose your knees…”
4.The Federative Republic of ZymletovkiaNew York Times Democracy“The flag raised upon us shall never fall to the enemies”
5.The Republic of Vladislavian DragonsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“God, Homeland, Justice”
6.The Federal Imperial Order of The Bladeist Association of BrazilInoffensive Centrist Democracy“i created a superpower just so we can win the world cup”
7.The Precious Empire of PixelpeekerpolkalandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Oyotęt ne sin no! No nen lėote!”
8.The Queendom of Forced SpiritCorrupt Dictatorship“Mine, ours, mine, yours, and mine”
9.The Pretty Sleep Deprived Frens of ArtoznikLeft-wing Utopia“Hear me, my people; it's only the end of the beginning!”
10.The Republic of New VladislaviaNew York Times Democracy“We will return...”