by Max Barry

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The Most Average in 10000 Islands

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, 10000 Islands is ranked 15,069th in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Shark of Manneo VaroInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live and Let Live”
32.The Kingdom of ViriasInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity through cooperation”
33.The Kingdom of IruazyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Cold waters may lead to great treasures”
34.The Mighty War Machine of HarperiansInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Cogito ergo sum”
35.The Commonwealth of Coffee BeanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Another cup please - and make it snappy!”
36.The Rogue Nation of MadrapustumInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To The Future”
37.The Empire of The Final RequiemInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Everything comes to end”
38.The Federal Kingdom of Lower ColumbiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Omnia in modo, fide excepta”
39.The Matriarchy of Minboth WazakaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
40.The Constitutional Monarchy of United Sova Lun CranInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
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