by Max Barry

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The Largest Basket Weaving Sector in 10000 Islands

World Census agents infiltrated a variety of out-of-the-way towns and festivals in order to determine which nations have the most developed Basket Weaving industries.

As a region, 10000 Islands is ranked 9,346th in the world for Largest Basket Weaving Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Holy Roman Empire of KeswickholtLeft-Leaning College State“Peace, Prosperity and Advancement”
42.The Imperium of The Changeling HordeCorporate Police State“For the swarm”
43.The Theocracy of New Utopian CrossCompulsory Consumerist State“Greatest utopias come from greater people”
44.The Republic of WysrodCivil Rights Lovefest“The Wolf is inside us”
45.The Principality of AudverstLiberal Democratic Socialists“We are no one to someone”
46.The Economic Powerhouse of BobsylvaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We get the job done!”
47.The Grand Duchy of The United Provinces of LightAnarchy“Through Unity, We Shine nationstates”
48.The Constitutional Monarchy of YellowfieldsLeft-Leaning College State“Golden slumbers fill your eyes”
49.The August Isles of Trackleelee2Capitalist Paradise“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”
50.The Free State of MadrapustumInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Love it or leave it”
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