by Max Barry

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The Lowest Crime Rates in Western Australia

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

NationWorldlaw-abiding acts per hour
1.The Rogue Nation of Rhinocerotidae3,825th123.41
2.The Commonwealth of Astaliseo40,568th77.47
3.The State of Begawan52,049th73.6
4.The State of Onsdag78,739th68.73
5.The State of Maned107,469th64.99
6.The Emirate of Qumran111,739th64.5
7.The State of Castle Hughes245,492nd53.34
8.The Queen's State of Mittita257,514th47.64
9.The State of Ashmore Island262,832nd43.83
10.The State of Darling Scarp265,200th41.59