by Max Barry

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The Most Eco-Friendly Governments in the West Pacific

The following governments spend the greatest amounts on environmental issues. This may not always be reflected in the quality of that nation's environment.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 6,319th in the world for Most Eco-Friendly Governments.

NationWorldDolphin Recycling Awareness Index
3,721.The Democratic Republic of Kreigerlanden331,711th-5.48
3,722.The Free Land of Cranbell331,717th-5.48
3,723.The Republic of Tria Trore331,729th-5.48
3,724.The Holy Empire of Freshive331,731st-5.48
3,725.The Empire of Hailania331,736th-5.48
3,726.The Most Serene Republic of Lucrassau331,744th-5.48
3,727.The Republic of Meystastion331,754th-5.48
3,728.The Free Land of DoggoIslands331,862nd-5.48
3,729.The Empire of Fortnite Sweaty Builders331,870th-5.48
3,730.The Empire of Jeff is best331,880th-5.48
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