by Max Barry

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The Largest Basket Weaving Sector in the West Pacific

World Census agents infiltrated a variety of out-of-the-way towns and festivals in order to determine which nations have the most developed Basket Weaving industries.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 11,245th in the world for Largest Basket Weaving Sector.

NationWorldHickory Productivity Index
3,661.The Democratic Republic of District of Peoples Korea318,754th-7.48
3,662.The Federation of Patton blvd318,800th-7.48
3,663.The United Socialist States of Asaintus318,840th-7.48
3,664.The Sultanate of Jalalid Delhi318,939th-7.48
3,665.The Dictatorship of Big happy place319,033rd-7.48
3,666.The Protectorate of Zman60319,067th-7.48
3,667.The Republic of Dekrone319,070th-7.48
3,668.The Holy Empire of Silly Beanz319,095th-7.48
3,669.The People's Republic of Insaenia319,097th-7.75
3,670.The United Kingdom of Ujn244319,115th-7.48
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