by Max Barry

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The Largest Black Market in the Pacific

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, the Pacific is ranked 1,865th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWorldStandard Monetary Units
11.The Dominion of Patriarchic Bliss232nd14,867,226,700,000,000
12.The Free Republic of Ballistikov237th14,745,238,500,000,000
13.The United Regional Sectors of Anexora259th14,106,610,500,000,000
14.The Military Junta of The First German Order349th12,026,218,900,000,000
15.The Webcomic RolePlaying Game of Darths and Droids403rd11,114,798,900,000,000
16.The Singularity Seeker of DrWinner435th10,561,532,900,000,000
17.The NS Whale Hunters of Stevist Guam499th9,577,919,000,000,000
18.The Defender of Yatoism of Neuer Deutsches Reich540th9,175,093,300,000,000
19.The Holy Empire of Sons of Shub-Niggurath567th8,822,687,400,000,000
20.The Directorate of Rinet602nd8,494,094,000,000,000
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