by Max Barry

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The Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector in The North Pacific

World Census analysts extensively tested concept muscle cars in empty parking lots in order to estimate which nations have the largest auto industries.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 12,074th in the world for Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector.

NationWorldHenry Ford Productivity Index
5,971.The Enlightened Dominion of Tokenzia344,952nd-28.98
5,972.The Legendary Revolution of Omnistria344,964th-29.05
5,973.The Holy Cultural Districts of The Bikini Bottom Republic344,995th-29.26
5,974.The Grand Federation of Xentherida345,036th-29.5
5,975.The Empire of Necromonia345,041st-29.53
5,976.The Republic of Zeternia345,054th-29.63
5,977.The Holy Land of Rex Republic345,066th-29.73
5,978.The Deluded Hypocrisy of Wisconsota345,091st-29.9
5,979.The Republic of Votak Matim345,096th-29.93
5,980.The Ascended Dominion of Dark_Warchief345,127th-30.2
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