by Max Barry

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The Highest Unexpected Death Rate in Texas

The World Census paid their respects at cemeteries in order to determine how likely citizens were to die each year from unnatural causes, such as crime, preventable illness, accident, and government encouragement.

As a region, Texas is ranked 2,255th in the world for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.

NationWorldBus Surprisal Index
51.The Republic of Sovereign Aloevera201,524th30.53
52.The Republic of Yothon203,468th30.46
53.The Winding Trail of The NationStates Bunny203,639th30.45
54.The Brisket of Young Sheldon206,190th30.36
55.The Scientologists for the Cult of Lord Xenu215,334th30
56.The District of Sangchris230,492nd29.32
57.The Republic of Sample Nation235,887th29.04
58.The Protectorate of Hyades241,652nd28.73
59.The Theocracy of Darth Bunny241,769th28.72
60.The Matriarchy of Tontaun251,302nd28.15