by Max Barry

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The Largest Publishing Industry in Karma

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, Karma is ranked 4,306th in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWorldBella Potter Productivity e-Index
1.The Island of Introvert Hill1,198th35,017.73
2.The Republic of Co-Dairy1,493rd32,061.08
3.The Fertilized Mountains of The Litterbox1,583rd31,384.53
4.The People's Republic of Rathanur1,624th31,057.54
5.The United Kingdom of Mattielandia2,839th24,131.39
6.The Most Serene Republic of Pyo Karma3,572nd21,529.24
7.The Most Serene Republic of Archytas4,306th19,638.05
8.The People's Republic of Guhland4,613th18,916.24
9.The Republic of Demonic Gate4,690th18,784.99
10.The Republic of Vizykia4,987th18,222.97
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