by Max Barry

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The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Karma

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Karma is ranked 13,037th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWorldMozzarella Productivity Index
1.The Most Serene Republic of Archytas1,216th9,442.41
2.The Most Serene Republic of Pyo Karma2,300th8,283.98
3.The Fertilized Mountains of The Litterbox2,390th8,239.31
4.The Rad Brad Empire of Plasma3,871st7,540.46
5.The National Assembly of Nationary4,134th7,457.56
6.The Republic of Co-Dairy5,821st7,024.32
7.The Armed Republic of Tivotovi6,406th6,914.68
8.The Federal Republic of Gre Aki7,876th6,679.11
9.The Red of Reddi8,148th6,638.13
10.The Confederacy of LBoozer9,733rd6,448.84
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